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Free Oxygen Radicals Are Implicated in Aging and Many Diseases
Inappropriate physical exercises may cause excess free radicals & oxidative stress
Human indeed benefits from physical exercises in many ways, such as increasing muscle and bone strength, changing body shape, losing weight, stimulating blood circulation and metabolism, etc..
However, inappropriate physical exercises may cause harms due to excess oxidative stress - abnormally high level of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The effects of physical exercises are 2-sided. Physical exercises cause the formation of larger than normal quantities of oxygen free radicals in the human body, accelerating the aging process. This is especially true for the middle aged people with decreased activities of antioxidant enzymes and repairing enzymes. Excessive physical exercises cause oxidative stress and accelerated aging.
Oxidative stress as the primary free radical damage
Free radicals are not always evils in general, and are the normal chemical species that are required in metabolism of life. Without radicals, there wouldn’t be life. Only excess radicals that escaped from the normal metabolism routes via uncontrolled radical chain reactions are harmful to life, and cause oxidative stress, leading to aging, cancer…… Free radical byproducts may be the worst enemy of life. Oxidative stress as the primary Free radical damage may lead to all possible diseases and ageing.
Extent of free radical damages by experts
"Free oxygen radicals, the main type formed in living organisms, have been implicated in recent studies in more than 60 disorders, including heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, cataracts and rheumatoid arthritis. And according to one of the leading theories on aging, they contribute to the process of becoming old, such as wrinkling of the skin, decline of kidney function and increased susceptibility to autoimmune diseases." New York Times, April 26, 1988.
When Dr. Masquelier, a famous OPC professor from France was asked if there is a relationship between OPC's and cancer, this was his response: "Certain types of cancer form secondary tumors by dissolving material around tissues and cells. These cancer cells produce dissolving enzymes, proteases... and we know that OPC protects proteins against proteases. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that spreads via producing secondary tumors by producing proteases. So to me it seems logical to administer OPC as soon as breast cancer is diagnosed to prevent secondary tumors developing. But also breast cancer is caused for a large part by the destruction of our DNA by free radicals. By protecting DNA, OPC will also protect us indirectly against the risk of cancer." †
It should be noted, however, that these quotes are just some personal opinions from scientists and scholars. There have not been any officially accepted clinical evidence that antioxidants can prevent, cure or treat any diseases, according to the US FDA regulations.
† These statements have not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration.
FrenchGlory® isotonic OPC antioxidants are nutritional supplements, not intended to diagnose, treat, care or prevent any diseases.